Complete GME interview management solution for applicants & programs
Easy, secure, and automated interview scheduling to optimize in-person & virtual recruitment.

Trusted by over 2500+ programs in over 200+ Academic Institutions

More than just scheduling
- Advanced Scheduling
- Waitlist Management
- Scoring & Ranking
- Itinerary Builder
- Facesheets & Print Pages
- Data & Reporting
Automated Itinerary Wizard™
- Streamlined Itinerary Creation
- Faculty/Applicant Assignments
- Schedule Templates
- Video Interview Link Generation

Integrated Virtual Interviews
Thalamus’ custom virtual interview platform was designed to provide full support of the GME interview process. It integrates directly with your program’s interview calendar, scoring and notes. Built specifically for GME administrator workflow, group meeting and breakout rooms are created automatically and link directly to applicant and faculty schedules. Everything is tracked on interview day through the Thalamus Master View, to provide the most streamlined virtual interview day experience.
Cortex: powered by thalamus
Application screening re-imagined
Cortex is application screening reimagined with AI assistance. Upload application PDFs in bulk. Cortex uses natural language processing (NLP) and optical character recognition (OCR) to pull out aggregate grades, keywords and other important data in a snapshot view to promote representative recruitment outcomes and holistic review. Score applicants, write notes, blind information to eliminate bias, and use algorithms to identify optimal applicants. All data transfers directly to Thalamus to complete an efficient process that saves faculty time and money, while promoting a fair, equitable, and inclusive review

Rated #1 by applicants & programs

"Thalamus has truly turned our hectic recruitment season into a joy! We are able to focus more on ensuring we show each applicant why Duke is the place for them, rather than spending it hand-scheduling each applicant. It promotes fairness, effectiveness, and most importantly, efficiency! We will never look back on what we had prior to Thalamus!"
Jordan Toole
Program Coordinator
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Duke University Medical Center

"I cannot imagine going through interview season without Thalamus! With a program as large as ours, having an online scheduling system in which applicants can schedule and edit their interview dates, allows me the time to manage all the other processes involved with interview season. We conducted over 260 applicant interviews this year; our highest volume year ever! This would not have been possible without Thalamus! Every program needs Thalamus!"
Mary Beth Gresham C-TAGME
Residency Program Coordinator
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

"I recently completed my fifth interview season using Thalamus. I no longer spend countless hours on the phone or email scheduling and rescheduling interviews. Thalamus gives the applicant the control and flexibility to schedule their interview based on their availability, all the while, freeing me up to create the best interview experience possible!"
Jackie Reyes
Residency Program Manager
Anesthesiology Residency Administration
Jackson Memorial Medical Center