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Data & Analytics Dashboard

Cerebellum empowers you to compare your program recruitment performance and outcomes to other programs in your specialty year-over-year.

Cerebellum provides exploratory and deterministic insights that help you meet institutional and/or program recruitment goals across multiple perspectives:

  • Program Summary Statistics: See valuable metrics on applicants interviewed, waitlisted, ranked, and matched as well as interview cancellations and how these compare to other programs in your specialty. See all of these plotted on normal distribution graphs for easy visualization and comparison.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity recruitment outcomes and progress: See how your URiM applicant volume compares to other programs in your specialty and how those applicants progress through your interview funnel to identify potential areas of bias.
  • Geographical Recruitment Outcomes: Visualize applicant geographic density for all programs in your specialty and overlay your program’s applicant location data. Plot current address, permanent address, or medical school to identify areas for focus and outreach.
  • Interview Invitation & Completion Insights: Compare your interview invitation and completion timelines against other programs in your specialty with time series performance data and benchmarking for your specialty.
Trusted by over 2500+ programs in over 200+ Academic Institutions

cerebellum feature

Program Summary Statistics

Automatic end-of-season recruitment analysis providing analysis and comparison of GME program recruitment performance from multiple perspectives:

  • Interview statistics analysis.
  • Applicant overlap with other programs.
  • Exam statistic analysis.
  • Comparison data & benchmarking across specialty.
  • Plotting of values on specialty distribution.
  • Filtering by address/location, MD/DO,
    US Grad/IMG, Sex, self-identification/ ethnicity/URM, and more.


Program Health Equity Outcomes

Analysis and comparison of Health Equity recruitment performance:

  • Recruitment funnel/pipeline analysis.
  • Displays characteristics of applicants reaching each stage of recruitment and match process.
  • Benchmarking to specialty applicant pool.
  • Filtering by address/location, MD/DO, US Grad/IMG, Sex, self-identification/ ethnicity/URM, application status and more.
Bar graph of program health equity outcomes by status


Geographical Recruitment Outcomes

Mapping of applicant density for all programs in the same specialty with overlay of program applicant data. Filtering and dynamic expansion when zooming the map provide detail down to individual applicant’s zip code level.

  • Geographic analysis of applicants by address and medical school location.
  • Comparison data & benchmarking across specialty.
  • US and Global Analysis across an interactive map.
  • Filtering by MD/DO, US Grad/IMG, Sex, self-identification/ethnicity/URM, application status and more.


Interview Invitation & Completion Insights

Compare your interview invitation and completion timelines against other programs in your specialty to see time series performance:

  • Time series analysis of invitations and interviews.
  • Comparison data & benchmarking across specialty.
  • Filtering by MD/DO, US Grad/IMG, Sex, self-identification/ethnicity/ URM, and more.
Thalamus is used by the top residency and fellowship programs at leading academic medical centers and hospital systems.
0 +
2500 +
Residency & Fellowship
2 M+
90 %+
Applicants use

Rated #1 by applicants & programs

"Thalamus has truly turned our hectic recruitment season into a joy! We are able to focus more on ensuring we show each applicant why Duke is the place for them, rather than spending it hand-scheduling each applicant. It promotes fairness, effectiveness, and most importantly, efficiency! We will never look back on what we had prior to Thalamus!"

Testimonial Divider

Jordan Toole
Program Coordinator
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Duke University Medical Center

"I cannot imagine going through interview season without Thalamus! With a program as large as ours, having an online scheduling system in which applicants can schedule and edit their interview dates, allows me the time to manage all the other processes involved with interview season. We conducted over 260 applicant interviews this year; our highest volume year ever! This would not have been possible without Thalamus! Every program needs Thalamus!"

Testimonial Divider

Mary Beth Gresham C-TAGME
Residency Program Coordinator
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

"I recently completed my fifth interview season using Thalamus. I no longer spend countless hours on the phone or email scheduling and rescheduling interviews. Thalamus gives the applicant the control and flexibility to schedule their interview based on their availability, all the while, freeing me up to create the best interview experience possible!"

Testimonial Divider

Jackie Reyes
Residency Program Manager
Anesthesiology Residency Administration
Jackson Memorial Medical Center