We understand that the Society of Academic Urologists has a specific timeline to invite and schedule applicants. Below are the suggested processes for Urology programs using Thalamus:
Sending Email notifications to Applicants:
- Invite Emails: Send in Thalamus (you can create a different template for each set of applicants – template A for applicants to schedule on a specific date, template B for applicants to schedule on the next specific date, etc).
- Waitlist Emails: Send in ERAS.
- Rejection Emails: Send in ERAS.
- Rejected applicants cannot be exported out of Cortex, only applicants selected to invite will transfer from Cortex → Thalamus.
- To easily filter your applicants in ERAS – Mark you applicants in ERAS as “Invited to Interview” and/or “Withdrawn by Program” for easy filtering of applicants.
Calendar Set-Up and Invite Options
- Build as many tracks as interview dates (choose “non-NRMP” when adding these tracks).
- Assign applicants to specific track that corresponds to calendar date (i.e. Applicants 1-8 are assigned to Track A and there are 8 slots open for Track A on the corresponding calendar date).
- All calendar events should be set to “private/hidden” prior to invites getting sent out.
- Inform applicants that calendar sessions will be opened at “x” time on Monday
(suggestion is noon to accommodate as many time zones). - At the designated time you set on Monday, set all calendar sessions to NOT be “private/hidden” so applicants can schedule themselves into their corresponding invite date.
- All calendar events should be set to “private/hidden” prior to invites getting sent out.
- In the invite template, request applicants send you an email with their acceptance or denial of the interview invite.
- On Monday, manually schedule applicants into the date they accepted.
- All calendar events should be set to “private/hidden” prior to invites getting sent out.
- Inform applicants that calendar sessions will be opened at “x” time on Monday (suggestion is noon to accommodate as many time zones).
- At the designated time you set on Monday, set all calendar sessions to NOT be “private/hidden” so applicants can schedule themselves into their corresponding invite date.
Wait-Listed Applicants
- Import wait-listed applicants into Thalamus.
- If cancellations occur, invite the top person on the waitlist in Thalamus. Once they have notified you of their acceptance, manually schedule them into the open slot, force assign if needed.
If you have additional questions or require further assistance, please contact us at customercare@thalamusgme.com