We’re thrilled to introduce Thalamus Holistic Review, our new competency-based scoring tool designed to promote and transform comprehensive screening, evaluation and assessment during GME recruitment.
Thalamus Holistic Review was developed through a year-long grassroots collaboration with program directors, coordinators, administrators and DIOs. It was designed to bring efficiency and insight into every stage of the recruitment process from application screening/review, interview evaluation, rank list creation and more!
For the 2023-2024 recruitment season, Thalamus Holistic Review was piloted by over 50 GME programs to success! Now, we are excited to roll it out to all residency and fellowship Thalamus programs for the 2024-2025 recruitment season, including as part of the AAMC Thalamus Collaboration!
Thalamus Holistic Recruitment Accelerates Innovative Holistic Scoring

From the beginning, Thalamus has been a strong advocate for holistic review. In 2020, we raised the bar further with Cortex, our tech-assisted application review and screening tool. But we knew there was still more that could be done for the GME community.
Thalamus Holistic Review extends traditional scoring capabilities to provide an essential look beyond purely academic metrics, so that programs can assess applicant competencies and build a complete picture, based on what matters most, and find alignment with educational missions. Smart, out-of-the-box settings facilitate the transition to holistic assessment and are completely customizable.
Customizable Scoring Promotes Personalized and Precise Evaluation

Your recruitment process is distinctive to your program, and Thalamus wholeheartedly supports this. Thalamus Holistic Review provides a variety of question and scorecard formats, including milestone and Likert-based ratings, customizable rubrics and additional methods to tailor application and interview evaluation to your program’s needs.
The automated workflow collects notes and calculates aggregate scores based on individualized preferences and weights, including bias mitigation tools. This all integrates with Thalamus’s best-in-class rank list builder. Thalamus Holistic Review centralizes scoring in one platform across Cortex, Core and Cerebellum for a streamlined experience.
Track Faculty Review through Enhanced Reporting and Data Export

Thalamus Holistic Review supports faculty-applicant evaluation assignment, and tracks the status of each scorecard on an administrator/director dashboard for thorough reporting and tracking, including detailed explanation of mathematical calculations to promote transparency. Scores are hidden based on user role permissions to mitigate bias, but can be tracked longitudinally from application to interview to match. The entire raw data set can also be easily exported to a spreadsheet for further analysis and review.
Want to learn more about Thalamus Holistic Review?
Join our official launch party at 4pm ET on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024. Come learn about Thalamus Holistic Review from Jason Reminick, CEO and Founder of Thalamus!
Customer Resources
We are excited to support the GME community through the launch of Thalamus Holistic Review! Our customer experience team has prepared multiple resources and will be offering a schedule of demos and free trainings here:
Register for Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1A – Administration and Creating Scorecards, offered on February 22 at 3pm EST
- Please note that Course 1A is a prerequisite for Course 1B
Register for Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1B – Scoring Your Applicants, offered on February 23 at 3pm EST
View our new user guides for Thalamus Holistic Review
Book a sales demo here to learn more about Thalamus Holistic Review before you start training
Thalamus already has a scoring system. Why build a new one?
As Thalamus has grown to support over 7000 GME programs, we’ve learned that there is wide variation in how programs assess and evaluate their applicants. Thalamus’s original scoring system was designed to be as flexible as possible, with customizable categories and weights, which provided significant value add over manual scoring and data collection methods. But we continued to receive feedback that programs wanted enhanced support of milestones, rubrics, and centralized scoring across the entire Thalamus product portfolio. Thalamus Holistic Review is the next generation in competency-based scoring built by GME, for GME.
Is there an additional fee to use Thalamus Holistic Review?
Thalamus Holistic Review is included complimentary as a part of Cortex or Thalamus Core licenses. This is also offered complimentary to all GME programs that are using Thalamus as a part of the AAMC Thalamus Collaboration.
Can I just use Thalamus Holistic Review with Cortex or Core? Or do I need to use and purchase everything?
Thalamus Holistic Review will support use in programs that use both Cortex and Core, only Cortex or only Core as well. Your program has the ability to customize how the tool is used. That said, Thalamus Holistic Review was designed for streamlined use and support across the entire Thalamus product portfolio continuum (Cortex → Core → Cerebellum).
What happens to my archived scoring when Thalamus Holistic Review is made available to my program?
Legacy scoring will still remain and be reportable through Thalamus’s archive mode capabilities.
How do I opt-in or learn more about Thalamus Holistic Review?
All programs using Thalamus will automatically be offered Thalamus Holistic Review at the start of their 2024-2025 application season. For example, July ERAS fellowships and September ERAS residencies will gain access on July 1, 2024 (or after opting-in to use Thalamus for ERAS 2025).
Have questions? Contact our Customer Experience Team!
Thank you to the entire GME community for helping us reach this exciting milestone!