Welcome to Thalamus Training
Our team of Thalamus experts, many of whom are former program coordinators, will guide you through building and customizing your program so you can optimize recruitment outcomes for your program using Thalamus.
Live Group Training Sessions
Q&A Office Hours
Thalamus Open Forum: Ask, Learn, Succeed, Thalamus Holistic Review Office Hours: Open Scoring Q&A
Program Setup & Account Configuration
Program Setup & Introduction,
- Email Templates & Surveys,
- Program Calendar & Inviting Applicants
Applicant Review & Scoring
Importing Applicants & Managing Data,
- Cortex: Application Screening
- Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1A - Administration and Creating Scorecards,
- Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1B - Scoring Your Applicants
Scheduling & Interview Management
Follow-up Interviews & Social Events,
- Itinerary Builder,
- Itinerary Wizard,
- Thalamus Video & Master View
Data Analysis & Reporting
- Cerebellum: Program Recruitment Data Dashboard,
- Cerebellum: Institution Recruitment Data Dashboard
For Applicants & Program Interviewers
- Thalamus for Program Interviewers,
- Thalamus for Applicants
Itinerary Wizard
- Itinerary wizard walk-through
- Managing individual itinerarysessions
- Publishing itineraries
- Viewing the My Schedule page
Program Setup & Introduction
- Introduction to Thalamus
- Review adding users and assigning roles
- Adding program profile information (social media, attachments, etc)
- Review and create program tracks
- Review program settings
- Archive mode
Cortex: Application Screening
- Importing applicants into Cortex
- Algorithm and filter setup
- Set up Keywords and Blinders
- Reviewing applicants
- Exporting from Cortex to Thalamus
Importing Applicants & Managing Data
- Applicant importing
- Assign tracks & tiers
- Create & assign tags
- Applicant data review
- Customize Roster layouts
- View reports & exporting data
Email Templates & Surveys
- Customize email templates
- Creating additional templates
- Review email short codes
- Customizing survey templates
- Anonymous vs non-anonymous responses
- View survey responses and reports
Program Calendar & Inviting Applicants
- Create calendar events
- Manage calendar & waitlist settings
- Inviting & scheduling
- Review adding & modifying email templates
- Create “Additional Template” emails
Follow-up Interviews & Social Events
- Creating and managing follow up interview events
- Creating and managing social events
- Applicant dashboard review for multiple event and social event types
- Inviting and scheduling applicants
Itinerary Builder
- Review building an itinerary manually
- Manage individual itinerary sessions
- Publishing the itinerary
- Printing itineraries
- Viewing the My Schedule page
Thalamus Video & Master View
- Published vs. Unpublished itineraries
- Thalamus Video test sessions
- Managing the Master View
- Viewing the My Schedule page
- Using the interview panel
Creating & Managing Rank Lists
- Adding and revising applicant scores & notes
- Creating additional rank lists
- Review default vs additional rank lists
- Mark applicants as Matched
- Creating Match Composites
- Exporting rank lists
Cerebellum: Program Recruitment Data Dashboard
- Review of Program Summary Statistics
- Recruitment Outcomes
- Geographical Recruitment
- Interview Invitation and Completion Insights
- Exporting data
Cerebellum: Institution Recruitment Data Dashboard
- Review of Institutional Summary Statistics
- Recruitment Outcomes
- Viewing individual program data
- Exporting summary data
Thalamus for Program Interviewers
- Access applicant information
- Review itinerary on the My Schedule page
- Review Thalamus video chat
- Review entering scores & notes for applicants
- Review the interview panel
- Updating user profile
Thalamus for Applicants
- Discuss and navigate the calendar page
- Review the My Schedule page
- Understanding waitlists
- Review Thalamus video chat
- Updating profile
- Reviewing surveys
Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1A - Administration and Creating Scorecards
- Understanding how to create competencies
- Creating and editing questions
- Building your scorecards
- Managing your scorecards
- Understanding reviewer weights
Thalamus Holistic Review: Course 1B - Scoring Your Applicants
- Understanding reviewer assignments
- Reviewing the scoring experience
- Entering scores for applicants
- Understanding how to aggregate scores
- Exporting scores

Thalamus University Online Academy
Explore our new virtual learning module platform, featuring on-demand training and content available 24/7 for programs and applicants.
Thalamus Advanced Certification Seminar Courses
Sign up for a live, virtual training course where Thalamus Customer Success Specialists will walk you through best practices to help you become a Thalamus Superuser and subject matter expert.
Attendees will receive a certification of completion following each seminar, which can count toward Educational Credits for TAGME.
Thalamus Essentials: Super User Certification Course
Designed to provide you with all the foundational knowledge and practical skills you need to navigate and utilize the Thalamus platform effectively, this course will take place over three days, each day lasting two hours.
Thalamus Recharge: User Refresher Course
Designed to provide you with all the newly updated feature knowledge and practical skills you need to navigate and utilize the Thalamus platform effectively, this course will be conducted over two days, each day lasting two hours.
Thalamus Pro: Super User Master Course
Designed to provide you with all the knowledge and practical skills you need to navigate and utilize the Thalamus platform effectively, this course will be conducted in one day, lasting four hours.
Thalamus Custom Training
For programs, institutions, or specialty organizations who prefer a customized and private training experience, Thalamus also has training packages available for purchase, both virtually and in-person. All training sessions are led by Thalamus Customer Success Specialists, many of whom are former program coordinators.
Training Recording Library

Many of our live group training sessions are also recorded as 30-minute videos, which will walk you through setting up and using various Thalamus features.

These shorter snippet videos provide step-by-step instructions on how to take specific actions on some of our most frequently asked questions.